A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Practijk der Godzaligheid. Stichtelijke Bijbelstudiën.
(Uit het Woord: zesde bundel).
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1909 [= 1910]. [4], 258, [2] pp., 20cm.—unbd. ƒ0.75, bd. ƒ1.10; set of 6 vols. unbd. ƒ3.60, bd. ƒ5.40.
Published: May 1910.
Title edition of: 1899.13.
1st edition, see: 1886.24.
Complete set of cheap editions, see also: 1910.08; 1910.11; 1910.13; 1910.14; 1910.16.
Binding: full cloth; reddish brown; stamped binding; title on front cover and spine; stamped sunflower and blind tooling on the front cover; author’s initials at the top and publisher’s device at the base of the spine. Binding variant: full cloth; red; gold lettering at the bottom of the front cover: Eerdmans & Sevensma—Boekh. Uitgevers—Grand Rapids. Michigan (excluding 1910.16 and including 1910.18: the complete original series, $0.75 each).
ET: The practice of godliness. Devotional Bible studies.

At an auction in December 1907 the publisher J.H. Kok bought nearly all the unsold copies of Wormser’s Kuyper list (cf. 1907.22). This edition was the first volume in a six-volume series of cheap editions originally published by Wormser in two different series. In this new series two of the volumes were given new titles, the subtitles of three volumes were made into titles, and the sixth volume (1910.16) retained its original title. The publisher gave these title editions new title pages as well as uniform bindings. The series consists of five volumes from the series Uit het Woord. Stichtelijke Bijbelstudiën [From the Word: Devotional Bible studies], together with the second volume of Honig uit den rotssteen. Tweede bundel [Honey from the rock: Second volume]. The six volumes were subsequently sold by subscription for a low price. By doing so, the publisher was actually combining two incomplete series. The first volume from the series Uit het Woord (see 1896.15) is missing as is the first volume from Honig uit den rotssteen (see 1896.12).

A plausible explanation for this remarkable offer may be that, in comparison with other volumes in their respective series, fewer copies of 1896.12 and 1896.15 had been auctioned. Remainders of those two volumes were also eventually made available for those who wanted to complete their collection (see 1910.18 and 1910.25). The latter volumes were published separately but with bindings matching this set.