A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Letters, statements, and asterisms.]
In: Historisch overzicht. Pro en contra over een belangrijke kwestie, of wat deze en gene sprak en schreef over den onderstelden ridder-orde-verkoop door Dr. A. Kuyper, Oud-Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken en Minister van Staat. Bijeenverzameld door M.A. Keller, rechtskundig adviseur, Apeldoorn.
Apeldoorn, Stoomdrukkerij Nieuwe Apeldoornsche Courant [s.a.], pp. 10, [17]–19, 57, [61]–62, [64], [86]–93., 175–176.

Kuyper’s letters, statements, and asterisms about the decorations affair are reprinted in a book reviewing the history of the affair (cf. 2005.02) through the verdict of the assessment committee (see 1910.07). The book reprints the letters and statements listed in 1910.03 (with the exception of Tideman’s letter), as well as two asterisms from De Standaard. In the first asterism, “Vroede mannen” [Wise men], Kuyper questions whether he should allow a court of honor to examine his involvement in the affair. The first asterism was reprinted from De Standaard 38 (1909), no. 11568, December 2, 1909. For the second asterism, see 1909.24.

M.A. Keller (1864–1924) was a member of the Anti-Revolutionary Party who wrote, among other things, an essay for 1922.03 (pp. 80–81).