A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 40 (1911/1912), no. 12016, May 18, 1911.
ET: For your heartfelt words my innermost gratitude. As long as the Lord supports my diminishing powers, it will always be my honor to devote them to the flowering of our Christian people. Sliedrecht never wavered. May Gorinchem forever forget now its wavering and may both districts remain loyal to your most excellent representatives, Van der Molen and Pollema.

Voor Uw woord uit het hart mijn innigen dank. Zoolang de Heere nog mijn afgaande krachten schraagt, zal het steeds mijn eer zijn die aan den bloei van ons Christelijk volk te wijden. Sliedrecht wankelde nooit. Moge ook Gorinchem thans het wankelen voor immer verleerd hebben en blijven beide districten aan Uw uitnemende afgevaardigden Van der Molen en Pollema trouw. Kuyper.

Kuyper sent these words of gratitude after receiving a telegram from the Anti-Revolutionary Party rally in the electoral district of Gorinchem, which took place in Gorinchem on May 17, 1911. Kuyper had sent a letter to say that he was unable to attend the convention. The meeting subsequently sent a telegram in reply stating that it had very much hoped to see him, that it felt a bond with the leader of the Anti-Revolutionary Party, and that it wished him God’s particular favor and grace as he grew older.

The volumes of De Standaard had coincided with the calendar year since 1875, when on January 1 the issue number appeared for the first time in the masthead of De Standaard. However, the fortieth volume (1911) ran from January 2, 1911–March 30, 1912. The forty-first volume then wrongly ran from April 1, 1912–December 31, 1913. This was set right by shortening the forty-second volume from January 2, 1914–March 31, 1914. As a result, the forty-third volume ran from April 1, 1914–March 31, 1915. After April 1, 1914, every new volume started on April 1—the date on which the first issue of De Standaard had been published (see 1872.02).