A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Pro Rege. Slot van het eerste deel. (Ter vervanging van pagina’s 481e.v.)
[Kampen, J.H. Kok 1911] (Den Haag, J. Bootsma), pp. 481–570, [2].
Published: May, 1911.
Cover title.
On the cover: Premie-exemplaar; at the bottom of the cover: Aan den binder wordt verzocht, de in deel I ingenaaide vellen 31 en 32 te vernietigen.
Supplement to the premium copies of: 1911.03.
(RKB 191.)
ET: Pro rege. Ending of the first volume. (Substituting pages 481ff.)

An independent edition containing the final eight chapters of the first volume. These were reprinted and supplied with relevant chapter headings from De Heraut, no. 1573, February 23, 1908–no. 1580, April 12, 1908. To facilitate the binding, part of the preceding article from De Heraut, no. 1572, February 16, 1908 was included. The eight final chapters of this supplement had mistakenly not been included with the premium copies of 1911.03.