A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Gereformeerd Jongelingsblad 22 (1910/1911), no. 39, June 2, 1911.
ET: Your federation makes this day a good day for me through your telling telegram. My day will be made even richer for me if in some year to come it will be possible to be in your midst.

Uw Bond maakt mij dezen dag tot een goeden dag door Uw veelzeggend telegram. Nog rijker zal mij deze dag een volgend jaar zijn indien het mij mogelijk zal worden dan in uw midden te zijn. Kuyper.

Expression of gratitude for a telegram sent by the twenty-third annual meeting of the Dutch Federation of Young Men’s Associations on Reformed Principles, which met in Nijmegen on May 25, 1911. In its telegram, the meeting had expressed regret that Kuyper had been unable to attend (cf. 1911.16). After wishing Kuyper a speedy recovery, the members expressed the hope that he could attend the next annual meeting (see 1912.08). Finally, they assured Kuyper that they courageously faced a future “in which your work will bear fruit.”

Kuyper’s ailment persisted. On July 3, 1911, he left for Dr. Lahmann’s sanatorium in Weisser Hirsch near Dresden for six weeks of treatment.