A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Aan Ds. H. Pierson, zijnen kinderen, behuwd- en kleinkinderen, opgedragen bij gelegenheid van de aanneming der Wet tot bestrijding der Zedeloosheid. 29 Juni 1911.
[S.l., s.n.] 1911 (Arnhem, Van Mastrigt en Verhoeven), p. [11].
Published: June 1911.
Dated: Den Haag May 26, 1911.

Kuyper wrote this note of congratulation, which was printed in his handwriting, for an album (cover title, Gedenkboek) presented to the Rev. H. Pierson (1834–1923). The album was given to Pierson as a result of the so-called “decency law,” which had been submitted by the minister of justice, E.R.H. Regout and entered into law on May 20, 1911. The congratulation reads:

Gutta cavat lapidem. Zoo heeft ook Pierson door het druppelen van zijn woord het muurvast ingeroeste kwaad uitgehold. En God gaf hem, wat zoo zeldzaam is, nog bij zijn leven te triomfeeren. Heil dir im Siegeskranz! Kuyper. [Gutta cavat lapidem. So too has Pierson hollowed out the deeply ingrained evil through the dripping of his words. And God allowed him—and this is so rare—to triumph in his own lifetime. Heil dir im Siegeskranz!]

Pierson had fought against state-regulated prostitution since 1878. The memorial album, which contained 150 signed contributions from prominent politicians, pastors, and social activists, honored Pierson for his persistent struggle against prostitution and congratulated him on the recent passage of the decency law. J.L. Heldring (1852–1923) presented the album to Pierson during the sixty-fourth annual meeting of the Asyl Steenbeek. Pierson was the president director of this foundation for the care of women and girl prostitutes.