A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Verslag der Staatscommissie, ingesteld bij Koninklijk Besluit van 22 juni 1909, No. 26. Met Nota’s en Bijlagen.
’s Gravenhage, Js. Bootsma 1912, pp. [52]–55.
Published: April 1912.

The Dutch government had appointed a committee to advise it about how to proceed with the revision of Dutch spelling rules if conflicting views about the matter were to arise. Kuyper was appointed as the chairman of this committee. Four memoranda were attached to the committee’s report. The fourth memorandum, which was drafted by Kuyper, argued against state intervention in crafting rules for pronunciation and spelling.

According to De Standaard (no. 12292, April 12, 1912), the press extolled the virtues of the report, calling it a fascinating and compelling piece of work. Many commentators recognized Kuyper’s hand throughout the report, which ran to forty pages. De Standaard also alluded to the significance of his contribution. Upon receiving the committee’s proposal, the minister of the interior made the report available to the general public (195 pp., 34cm.).