A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Afgeperst. Naar aanleiding van het Kamerdebat op 6 December 1911.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1912. 111, [1] pp., 26cm.—ƒ0.75.
Run: 1,500.
Published: April 1912.
Preface dated: ’s Gravenhage, March 1912.
RKB 193.
ET: Compelled. With respect to the parliamentary debate on December 6, 1911.

The writing was published with a title different than previously announced (see 1911.17). According to the preface, Kuyper felt compelled to publish this piece in response to accusations brought against him by J.Th. de Visser (1857–1932), a fellow member of Parliament (see 1911.17). De Visser had accused him of backhandedly insulting the intelligence of J.H. de Waal Malefijt, minister for colonial affairs. Kuyper protested that he would have preferred not to discuss the incident. But he felt compelled to do so, especially since the issues involved—including a Christian policy for the colonies—were so important.

Kuyper opens the work by discussing De Visser’s attack. In the second chapter, he comments on his remarks about De Waal Malefijt. He then comments on the attitude of the cabinet toward Anti-Revolutionary principles and Anti-Revolutionary members of Parliament. In three final sections (“Uit het verkeerde loket” [From the wrong counter], “Het gele gevaar” [The yellow danger], and “Wat in Azië broeit” [What is brewing in Asia]), he takes aim specifically at the Christian government’s colonial policy. Seven appendices are also included (pp. [87]–111). Several sections of this writing were taken from the official reports of parliamentary proceedings and from De Standaard.