A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Een geloofsstuk. Rede ter inleiding van de 32ste jaarvergadering der Vereeniging voor Hooger Onderwijs op Gereformeerden Grondslag saamgekomen te Haarlem op 4 Juli 1912.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1912. 32 pp., 25cm.—ƒ0.25.
Run: 2,000.
Published: July 1912.
ET: An article of faith. Opening speech at the 32nd annual meeting of the Association for Higher Education on Reformed Principles convened in Haarlem on July 4, 1912.

In a year that saw the fortieth anniversary of De Standaard, the Association for Higher Education on Reformed Principles invited its founder and former chairman to preside over its annual meeting. In his opening speech Kuyper outlined the history of the Vrije Universiteit, beginning with its founding and focusing, as with 1912.05, on the process of building and preserving. Founding the university had not been a gamble but an act of faith; caring for it now was essentially an article of faith. In a note at the end of the speech, he defines this article of faith as “the whole range of actions that continue up to the present in the preservation of this university.” Kuyper confessed that he looked with some concern toward the future because he detected a slackening of enthusiasm for the Vrije Universiteit, even at the annual meetings.

Kuyper left for Dresden to receive medical treatment for his persistant health problems on July 6, 1912, two days after the meeting. The speech was already available in print on July 4. Like 1912.05, the speech was published in large octavo with wide margins. In a part of the print run, the publisher pasted an additional sheet of paper (10cm. x 13.5cm.) inside of the back cover listing five corrections.