A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[’t Ontleedmes in de Grondwet.]
In: Bij de stembus van 1913. Beschrijvingsbrief van het Centraal Comité aan de Besturen der Antirevolutionaire Kiesvereenigingen.
Niet in den handel.
Amsterdam, [s.n.] 1913, pp. 19–21.
Printed: March 1913.

This article, reprinted from De Standaard 41 (1912/1913), no. 12528, February 11, 1913, concerns the proposed review of two articles of the constitution—Article 80, which dealt with the extension of suffrage, and Article 192, which concerned the liberation of primary education. The piece was the first supplement to the usual letter from the Central Committee of Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Associations calling the boards of the electoral associations to the meeting of deputies. The letter itself contains the date for the upcoming meeting (see 1913.07) and directions for the electoral associations about how to prepare for it.