A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De eerepositie der vrouw.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1914. 71 pp., 21cm.—unbd. ƒ0.50, bd. ƒ0.80.
Run: 2,200.
Published: July 1914.
Preface dated: ’s Gravenhage, June 11, 1914.
Reset edition, see: 1932.03.
Laid paper.
All pages of type enclosed in a border.
Binding: full cloth; lettered in gold on front cover and spine; blind tooling on the boards; decorated endpapers in the first part of the print run.
RKB 200.
ET: The woman’s position of honor.

This book consists of eight leading articles from De Standaard discussing the position of women in society. It constituted an indictment of what Kuyper called the “spirit of the times.” In the work Kuyper discusses contemporary feminism, but his main focus is on the question of who should have the right to vote for representatives in the States General, Provincial States, and city councils. Kuyper argues for organic householder franchise, carving out an exception for widows acting as the head of household. Kuyper considered this a “comparative” study since he also reflected on how the question of women’s suffrage had been handled elsewhere in the world. While not a biblical study per se, Kuyper’s analysis is nevertheless suffused with biblical concepts.

These articles were reprinted from De Standaard 43 (1914/1915), no. 12909, May 12, 1914–no. 12924, May 30, 1914. The articles—numbered I–VIII—had been published almost every other day under the title De eerepositie der vrouw.