A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Declaratie van Dr. A. Kuyper, in zake de Missie in de Buitenbezittingen.
In: Acta van de Generale Synoden der Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, gehouden te ’s Gravenhage 16 Juli, 10 September en 17 October 1912 en van 27 October tot 6 November 1914.
Rotterdam, W. Zwagers [1915], pp. 277–280.
Published: April 1915.
Dated: Den Haag, September 28, 1914.
Included as: appendix 89.
Declaratie, see also: 1914.14; 1914.15; 1914.16.
ET: Statement of Dr. A. Kuyper regarding the mission in the Buitenbezittingen.

On November 5, 1914, at the General Synod of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, Kuyper submitted the ideas that he had voiced in 1914.14. Subsequently he requested permission to explain his view and considerations in more detail at the meeting of the deputies for mission so that they would be equipped with sound arguments and advice during next synod (see 1918.03).