A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Vrede door Recht. Officieel orgaan van den Algemeenen Nederlandschen Bond “Vrede door recht” 16 (1915), no. 5–6, May/June 1915, p. 98.
ET: The duty of bearing witness, even if you do not uproot evil by doing so.

A short plea to continue opposing the war, which Kuyper calls a “curse.” He contends that such opposition represents an expression of conscience, which may never be silenced. He holds that if the Dutch are forced into the war, they should fight bravely without letting go of the ideal of peace. He also urges his readers to keep in mind the fact that humanity cannot guarantee the lasting peace of nations.