A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Leider en leiding in de Anti-Revolutionaire Partij door Mr. A. Anema, Dr. H. Bavinck, Mr. P.A. Diepenhorst, Mr. Th. Heemskerk en Mr. S. de Vries Czn.
Amsterdam, W. ten Have 1915, p. 31.
Published: November 1915.
Next printing, published: December 1915.

In this short editorial, Kuyper thanks the Rev. Koffyberg for paying careful attention in his brochure “Opruiing?” (see 1915.04) to Kuyper’s criticisms of Gij, Calvinisten. Kuyper judged a rejoinder unnecessary because—adopting an attitude of “all’s well that ends well”—he considered the case closed. The authors of the brochure known as the vijf heren brochure [brochure of the five gentlemen (see 1916.17 and 1916.18)] cited this short asterism as an example of Kuyper’s unpleasant treatment of his opponents. The asterism was taken from De Standaard 44 (1915/1916), no. 13202, April 27, 1915.