A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Een pleidooi voor gewetensvrijheid [door J.A. van Sijn].
Rotterdam, D. van Sijn & Zonen 1916, pp. 25–27.
Published: November 1916.
Next printing, see: 1917.06.

In this brief editorial Kuyper addresses the question of how to handle conscientious objectors. The editorial had originally appeared as an asterism in De Standaard 45 (1916/1917), no. 13495, April 7, 1916. The asterism was published under the heading “Het vrijlaten van de dienstweigeraars” [Releasing the conscientious objectors]. Kuyper stated his opposition in principle to forcing people to act against their conscience and expressed his discomfort with imprisoning or forcing conscientious objectors to take part in military exercises. He did not believe, however, that total freedom of conscience could be maintained in the present circumstances, despite his sympathy with the peace movement. “The English habit of half-conceding in conflicts such as these,” writes Kuyper, “still seems to us to be the only valid method.”

The asterism was originally occasioned by J.A. van Sijn, the youngest partner of the publishing firm D. van Sijn & Zonen (among other things, the printer of The Union: “A School with the Bible” and also of the daily De Nederlander). On returning from a short leave from active service, Van Sijn sent a letter to the editor of De Standaard, stating his objections to compulsory military service and arguing for a peacekeeping force, a peace corps, and a national peace council. Kuyper did not enter into these matters in De Standaard, however. He invited Van Sijn to a personal conversation about the principles at stake when Christians refused military service. Van Sijn was apparently disappointed with the outcome of that dialogue, which took place on November 12, 1916.

Kuyper also published asterisms about conscientious objection in De Standaard, no. 13955, October 9, 1917 and no. 13986, November 14, 1917. He published a lead article on the issue in no. 13987, November 15, 1917.