A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De gedenkdag der Hervorming.
In: De Amsterdammer. Weekblad voor Nederland, no. 2105, October 27, 1917.
Dated: Den Haag, October 19, 1917.
RKB 216.
ET: The anniversary of the Reformation.

An article written at the request of the editor of De Amsterdammer. The essential idea expressed in this article is that the spiritual freedom gained during the Reformation did not come to full fruition because the Reformers’ followers neglected to give it social expression. According to Kuyper, the development of the individual ought to proceed hand-in-hand with the growth of organic life. Kuyper uses this principle to analyze the development and degeneration of Protestantism up to the Great War. He ends the analysis by calling for the liberation of Protestants from church and state, for solidarity among Protestants, and for the renewal of Protestantism abroad.

On the occasion of Kuyper’s forthcoming eightieth birthday J.A. van Hamel, the editor in chief of De Amsterdammer, in reference to Kuyper thinking of Cromwell, introduced the article with a contribution entitled “De Lord Protector” (see RKB III, pp. 442–445). The introduction is illustrated by a portrait of Kuyper as a grand old man, designed by George van Raemsdonck.