A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


[Contribution in recommendation of financial support for a new church building.]
In: A circular letter, 34cm.
Dated: ’s Gravenhage, May 30, 1919.
Leaf, printed on one side only.
See also: 1919.12.

An appeal for financial support for a planned church building in Kootwijk (GAB 25), which received a quick and generous response. Kuyper’s piece was included with a circular letter of the Kootwijk consistory (dated June 2, 1919 and signed by the retired Rev. J.H. Houtzagers, chairman, and J. Godschalk, secretary). In the letter the church council asked sister churches throughout the country for financial support to construct a new church building. Recommendations from the classis and from Kuyper were printed beneath the request.

In his contribution Kuyper points to the special position of the Kootwijk parish in the history of the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands. Kootwijk was the first parish to break away from the Dutch Reformed Church during the Doleantie. During the tenure of its first minister, the Rev. J.H. Houtzagers (1857–1940), the congregation had rented the church building and parsonage from the Dutch Reformed Congregation. After Houtzagers was granted emeritus status in 1918, the wardens of the Dutch Reformed Congregation decided to discontinue renting the church and the parsonage, effective December 1, 1920.