A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In De Heraut, no. 2165, July 20, 1919.
See also: 1920.05.
ET: Allow me to express to you my heartfelt gratitude for the friendly telegram that I received from “Kunstmin.” It remains my profound wish that the blessing of our God may accompany the Vrije Universiteit in its further course and that in its prosperity the foundation may raise up the honor of our God.

Vergun mij U mijn gevoeligen dank te betuigen voor het vriendelijke telegram dat mij uit “Kunstmin” gewerd. Het blijft mijn innige bede, dat de zegen onzes Gods de Vrije Universiteit op haar verderen loop verzellen moge en dat de stichting in haar bloei de eere onzes Gods verhoogen moge. Kuyper.

Kuyper sent these words of thanks in reply to a telegram he had received from the thirty-ninth annual meeting of the Association for Higher Education on Reformed Principles, which met in Kunstmin in Dordrecht on July 3, 1919. In its telegram the meeting recalled with gratitude Kuyper’s accomplishments for the Vrije Universiteit and wished him God’s rich blessing.