A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Heraut, no. 2216, July 11, 1920.
See also: 1921.04.
Had already been published in: 1920{.14}.
ET: Your most inspiring telegram reached me too late yesterday to be able to send an answer to Haarlem. Let me therefore express my gratitude to you personally in Amsterdam. My disappointment was not slight that on this day of grateful remembrance I could not be in your midst. However, the refreshment was all the more surprising that people still continue to consider me as the founder of the university.

Uw zoo bezielend telegram bereikte mij gisteren te laat, om het nog naar Haarlem te beantwoorden. Richte zich daarom mijn dank tot u persoonlijk in Amsterdam. Niet gering was mijn teleurstelling, dat ik op dezen dag van dankbaar gedenken niet in uw midden kon zijn. Doch juist daarom was de verkwikking zoo verrassend, dat men in mij den stichter der Universiteit nog bedenken bleef. Kuyper.

A thank-you letter to F.W. Grosheide (1881–1972), chairman of the fortieth annual meeting of the Association for Higher Education on Reformed Principles. In a telegram Grosheide had gratefully acknowledged Kuyper’s founding of the the Vrije Universiteit forty years previously and had thanked God that he had been able to see the university prosper.