A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Vijf en twintig jaren middenstandsbeweging. Gedenkboek van den “Nederl. Middenstandsbond,” uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van zijn 25–jarig bestaan. Bewerkt door A. Ingenool Jr. 1902–September–1927.
[’s Gravenhage], Vereeniging “De Nederl. Middenstandsbond” 1927, pp. 29–31.
Published: September 1927.

A speech that Kuyper delivered as prime minister to the annual meeting of the Dutch Retailers Association, held in Rotterdam on September 9, 1903. In his speech Kuyper called upon retailers to be alert because big capital, fast-moving developments in communication, and international competition were threatening the middle class. The right response to these challenges was to adapt to the changing times and to provide better service. Genuine family life, which constitutes the ethical and religious dimension of society, was dependent on the preservation of the middle class. The speech was taken from the stenographic report of the congress. An extensive report was also published in De Standaard, no. 9656, September 11, 1903.

The decision to establish the Dutch Retailers Association was made on September 3, 1902. The association was subsequently founded on January 29, 1903.