A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Proposed motion.—Asterisms.—Articles.]
In: Correspondentieblad. Orgaan van de Vereeniging van Christelijke Onderwijzers en Onderwijzeressen in Nederland en de Overzeesche Bezittingen 73 (1928), no. 1, January 4, 1928–no. 30, July 25, 1928.

For the column “Episodes from the History of Christian Education” in Correspondentieblad, D. Langedijk wrote a series of twenty-one articles entitled Dr. A. Kuyper en het Volkspetitionnement [Dr. A. Kuyper and the Peoples’ Petition]. On the basis of asterisms and articles from De Standaard, Langedijk reflected on the role that Kuyper had played in his newspaper in the lead-up to the People’s Petition of 1878. Approximately thirty-five asterisms and more than ten articles or sections of articles were reprinted from De Standaard 7 (1878), no. 1875, May 4, 1878–no. 1944, July 26, 1878.

After a few prefatory remarks by the editor, this long string of Kuyper’s press work on behalf of the People’s Petition was introduced by a motion that Kuyper had submitted (together with B.J.L. de Geer van Jutphaas and A.F. de Savornin Lohman) at the general meeting of the Union for Christian National Primary Education on May 2, 1878. The motion was accepted and served to catalyze the strategic planning and preparations for a possible national signature campaign in the interest of elementary education (see 1878.04).