A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Jhr. Dr. A.F. de Savornin Lohman. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der Christelijk-Historische Unie. In opdracht van den schrijver verzorgd door H. van Malsen. Ingeleid door Dr. J.Th. de Visser. [II] Ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis der Christelijk-Historische Unie.
’s-Gravenhage, C. Blommendaal [1932], pp. [56]–57, 179–185, 274–275.
See also: 1932.09.

Two of Kuyper’s articles are reproduced in this second collection of De Savornin Lohman’s articles. On pages [56]–57 there is an asterism from De Standaard 24 (1895), no. 7105, May 6, 1895, in which Kuyper remarks that he shall henceforth refrain as much as possible from engaging in polemic with Anti-Revolutionaries who have broken away from the party. The two lead articles “Partijvorming I” [Party formation I] and “Partijvorming II (slot)” [Party formation II (conclusion)] are reprinted on pages 179–182 and 182–185, respectively—the first from Standaard 40 (1911/1912), no. 12068, July 20, 1911 and the second from no. 12070, July 22, 1911. Finally, an asterism entitled “Calvinistisch” [Calvinistic], from De Standaard 24 (1895), no. 7034, February 11, 1895, is reprinted on pages 274–275. In this asterism Kuyper emphasizes the Calvinistic character of the Anti-Revolutionary Party more explicitly than ever before. As Kuyper took stock of the party during his long period of illness in 1894 (see the lead article in De Standaard, no. 7016, January 21, 1895), he came to see much more clearly that it was not the Protestant but the Calvinistic school of thought that could “give back our people something of its old resilience in the political and social fields.” Lohman writes an interesting explanation of this new shift in emphasis (p. 274).