A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Expression of thanks.]
In: Een man van singuliere gaven. Ds. W.H. Gispen (1833–1909) in zijn leven en werken geschetst door Dr. J.C. Rullmann.
Delft, W.D. Meinema 1933, p. 289.

A brief comment thanking Rev. W.H. Gispen for his series of articles entitled Brieven aan een vriend te Jeruzalem [Letters to a friend in Jerusalem]. The series—which offered a collection of impressions and commentaries about goings-on in the church, politics, and social life—had run from 1878 until 1899 (ending with De Bazuin, no. 52, December 24, 1899). Gispen had also resigned as editor in chief of De Bazuin at the end of 1899. Kuyper reproduced Gispen’s final “letter to a friend in Jerusalem” in De Heraut, no. 1150, January 7, 1900, adding this brief postscript thanking Gispen for all the excellent items that he had been able to take from him for the From the Press column in De Heraut.