A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Report on Th. Heemskerk.—Two short speeches.]
In: De vrijheid voorgestreên. Gedenkschrift ter gelegenheid van het eeuwfeest van de Kiesvereeniging “Nederland en Oranje” te Amsterdam. 1851–1951. [Door J.C. van der Does.]
[S.l., s.n. 1951] (Hoorn, Edecea), pp. 33, 36, 54.

Page 33 reproduces a brief report dating from 1881 concerning Th. Heemskerk, who had become a member of Nederland en Oranje (the Amsterdam Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Association) and who was also elected its secretary in that same year. The opinion that Kuyper expressed during the October 1884 meeting of Nederland en Oranje about Heemskerk’s objection to proposing L.W.C. Keuchenius as a candidate for the Second Chamber is also reprinted (p. 36). Kuyper resigned as chairman and member of Nederland en Oranje when Keuchenius was not proposed as a candidate.

In 1896 the Amsterdam Electoral Association was divided into nine district associations at Kuyper’s urging. The new district associations were overseen by an overarching board, of which Kuyper was elected as the chairman on February 19, 1897. The old electoral association was dissolved in the presence of its 1,300 members. Kuyper, who had awakened the Amsterdam Electoral Association to new life when he became its chairman (1872), accepted the chairman’s gavel from the hands of Heemskerk with a reference to the spirit of Keuchenius, who had died the year before (p. 54). Cf. 1913.10.