A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Article.—Asterism.—People’s petition.—Editorial.]
In: Abraham Kuyper. [Door] P.D. ’t Hart. (Grondleggers van Nederlandse politieke stromingen: no. 4.) (Spoorzoekers. Een reeks bronnenboeken voor het geschiedenisonderwijs onder redactie van G.A.J. Giezeman en N.J. Maarsen.)
Haarlem, J.H. Gottmer 1970, pp. 10, 21–24, 34–35.

The front page of De Standaard, no. 1, April 1, 1872, including its lead article (dated Amsterdam, April 1, 1872), is reprinted in facsimile on page 10. The asterism “Volkspetitionnement” [People’s Petition] (dated Amsterdam, May 4) from De Standaard 7 (1878), no. 1875, May 4, 1878 is reproduced in facsimile on page 21. The text of the People’s Petition itself (see 1878.04) appears on pages 22–24.

Pages 34–35 offer an editorial (from De Heraut, no. 627, December 29, 1889) about a widow whose tenancy was cancelled by the Reformed Congregation of Hijlaard because she was dolerende (see also 1916.11), along with a facsimile of the congregation’s “for rent” advertisement as published in the Leeuwarder Courant, no. 297, December 16, 1889 (TFHLS).