A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Het was een schoone dag. Autobiografie van Tijmen van der Kooij (1875–1957) waaraan toegevoegd een bloemlezing van werken van zijn hand en andere bijdragen onder redactie van Wim van der Kooij en Sjoerd van Tuinen.
Almere/Heemskerk, Wim van der Kooy en Sjoerd van Tuinen 1993, p. 32.
Supplement, see: 1997.01.
(ISBN: 90-9005796-X.)
ET: Submission [of] proof in question not necessary. The mayor of Ambt-Hardenberg informed of this.

Overlegging bedoelde bewijzen niet noodig. De Burgemeester van Ambt-Hardenberg hiervan onderricht. Kuyper.

Telegram to T. van der Kooij (1875–1957), chairman of the Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Association in De Krim (established in 1904). Among the association’s first activities was to recruit new voters for the Anti-Revolutionary Party. When the new voter registration forms were submitted to the town hall of Ambt Hardenberg, the local authorities refused to enroll the names. The liberal mayor demanded proof from employers and landlords that those who had filled out the registration forms were actually qualified for the franchise. Van der Kooij immediately informed Minister Kuyper of the situation by telegraph (probably in November/December 1904), requesting his advice. Van der Kooij received Kuyper’s telegram the next day, apparently after the matter had been settled by Kuyper’s intervention. The registration forms were subsequently received by the local authorities without objection.

The telegram is also printed—although the name of the community at issue is left out—in Toen wij nog in tenten woonden. Herinneringen uit de dagen van de Schoolstrijd (Goes: Oosterbaan & Le Cointre, [1934], p. 316).