A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Theses on mission.]
In: Documentatieblad voor de Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Zending en Overzeese Kerken.
Kampen, Stichting Werkgroep voor de Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Zending en Overzeese Kerken 1996 (Almelo, Biester en Abbes), pp. 171–175.
Theses, see: 1890.05.
See also: 1987.07; 1996.02.
(ISSN: 1380–3905.)

Two missionary documents published in order to commemorate the Synod of Middelburg (1896) because of its historical significance for the missionary activities of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands. The theses are printed in appendix 1 (pp. 171–175) and the first section from the Rapport inzake de Zending [Report about mission] (see 1896.14), entitled “Wat aangaat de beginselen” [Concerning the principles], is included in appendix 2 (pp. 176–190). The section is reprinted from pages 67–75 of 1897.01 (cf. 2001.01).