A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Tekstregister op de werken van Dr. A. Kuyper.
[Amsterdam, H.A. van Bottenburg 1906] (Amersfoort, Van der Want & Co.). VIII, 343 pp., 22cm.—full cloth ƒ7.50; half cloth ƒ5.50.
Preface: dated July 1906 and signed by the compilers A. Rolloos and H. Hasper jr.
Part of the print run: interleaved.
Previous edition, see: app. 1.01.
On the title page (part of the print run): Niet in den handel. 1906.
On the spine of a part of the print run: Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1906.
Binding: full cloth: lettered in gold on the spine and front cover; decorated end papers. Kok binding of the title edition: half cloth; lettered in gold on the spine and the front cover; blind tooling.
During or before 1915 the remaining (privately published) copies were acquired by J.H. Kok, Kampen.
ET: Index of biblical references in the writings of Dr. A. Kuyper.

The index contains the biblical citations from all twenty-one volumes of student notes from the dogmatic lectures (see 1891.18), from twenty other books published before 1906, and from about sixty brochures and small works. Also included are the thematic biblical texts that were published at the beginning of each installment of the five article series published in De Heraut from 1879 to 1901. The relevant issue of De Heraut is printed in italics. According to the foreword, the index contains the biblical references found in works published up to April 1906. An index of biblical texts in De drie formulieren van eenigheid is also included (pp. [334]–343). In all, the volume contains approximately 40,000 instances of biblical texts that are referred to or discussed in the above-mentioned publications.

The index is printed on only half of each page, leaving the right column blank for additions and notes. For a ƒ0.50 surcharge, a copy with interleaved white pages could be ordered. A loose page (11cm.) was included with six addenda from 1901.10 and an addendum from De Heraut, no. 1217, April 27, 1901.

The editors, Rev. A. Rolloos (1874–1956) and Rev. H. Hasper jr. (1886–1974), studied theology at the Vrije Universiteit from 1902 to 1906 and from 1906 to 1912, respectively.