A digital bibliography of Herman Dooyeweerd
Compiled using Dr. Harry Van Dyke's bibliography and digital resources prepared by Dr. Steve Bishop


“Het Calvinistisch beginsel der souvereiniteit in eigen kring als staatkundig beginsel.”
[The Calvinistic principle of sphere-sovereignty as a political principle.]

Nederland en Oranje; officieel orgaan van den bond van Anti-revolutionaire propaganda-clubs in Nederland 4 (1923): 98f., 185–89; 5 (1924): 8–15, 27–31, 71–76.
The last instalment ends with “To be continued.” However, the series was never resumed—possibly because of the appearance of the journal Antirevolutionaire Staatkunde. See Verburg, biography, p. 69.
NOTE 2: This journal should not be confused with one called Nederland en Oranje; orgaan der Centrale Antirevolutionaire Kiesveereniging te Amsterdam; cf. 1928b.