A digital bibliography of Herman Dooyeweerd
Compiled using Dr. Harry Van Dyke's bibliography and digital resources curated by Dr. Steve Bishop

Resources in languages other than Dutch and English


Wat is die mens?

Bloemfontein: Sacum, n.d. [c. 1965]. Second impr., 1969. Pp. 21.
Translation (Afrikaans) of 1942g.

“Die sekularisasie van die wetenskap.”

Trans. from the French into Afrikaans by G. F. de Vos Hugo.
Authorized translation. Text expanded in places by the author.
Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 8 (1972): 37–47, 61–68.
With an English Summary. Ibid., 68–70.
Translation (Afrikaans) of 1954f.


“Introduction à une critique transcendentale de la pensée philosophique.”
[Introduction to a transcendental critique of philosophic thought].

In Mélanges philosophiques. Bibliothèque du Xme Congrès international de philosophie 2: 70–82. Amsterdam: L. J. Veen, 1948.
NOTE: Verburg, biography, 299 n. 8, equates this paper with 1947a.

“Le problème de la philosophie chrétienne; une confrontation de la philosophie blondélienne avec la nouvelle philosophie réformée en Hollande.”
[The problem of Christian philosophy: A confrontation between Blondellian philosophy and the new Reformed philosophy in the Netherlands.]

Philosophia Reformata 18 (1953): 49–76.

“Le dogme de l’autonomie de la raison naturelle vis-à-vis de la foi.” “L’origine de la pensée dialectique.”

Five lectures given at the Faculté Libre de Théologie Protestante, Aix-en-Provence, 11–16 May 1953.
See Verburg, p. 329.

“La sécularisation de la science et la réponse réformée. (With an English summary.)”
[The secularization of science and the Reformed response.]

Actes du Congrès international réformée, held at the Faculté Libre de Théologie Protestante, Montpellier, 23–30 July 1953.
La revue réformée, tome V, no. 17/18 (1954): 138–57. Cf. ibid. 17.6 (1966) and 23.1 (1972).
Translation (English), see: 1954n, 1966e and 2020d.
Translation (Spanish), see: 1966f.
Translation (Afrikaans), see: 1972a.

“Philosophie et Théologie.”
[Philosophy and Theology.]

La revue réformée, tome IX, no. 35, pp. 48–60.

“Mouvements progressifs et regressifs dans l'histoire (Conférence donnée à la Sorbonne, Paris).”

[Progressive and regressive movements in history.]
La revue réformée, tome IX, no. 36 (1958): 1–13.

“Mouvements progressifs et régressifs dans l’histoire.”

In Verslag van de plechtige viering van het 150-jarig bestaan der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen met de teksten der bij die gelegenheid gehouden redevoeringen en voordrachten, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam, 6–9 May 1958, pages 139-54.
Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandse Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1958.
NOTE: The Dooyeweerd Archief contains offprints in each language.

Published simultaneously in Dutch, French and English.
For the Dutch version, see 1958d.
For the English version, see 1958i.

See also 1958g.

“Cinque conférences données au Musée social à Paris.”
[Five lectures given at the Social Museum in Paris.]

1. La prétendue autonomie de la pensée philosophique.
2. La base religieuse de la philosophie grecque.
3. La base religieuse de la philosophie scolastique.
4. La base religieuse de la philosophie humaniste.
5. La nouvelle tâche d'une philosophie chrétienne.
In La revue réformée, tome X, no. 39, pp. 3–76.
Translation (Italian), see: 1994d.

“De la peine de mort.”
[On the death penalty.]

Paper presented at the World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Milan, Sept. 1967.
Typescript in Dooyeweerd Archief.

"L'idée Chrétienne de l'état."
[The Christian idea of the state.]

Notes et Documents 39/40 (January): 38-52.
With an introduction by H.E.S. Woldring

Au crépuscule de la pensée occidentale.
[In the twilight of Western thought.]

Kerygma, 2018. Pp. 208.
Translation (French) of: 1960a.


“Zum Geleit.”
[By way of introduction.]

In M. F. J. Marlet, S.J., Grundlinien der Kalvinistischen Philosophie der Gesetzesidee als christlicher Transzendentalphilosophie. Munich: Karl Zink Verlag.

“Die Philosophie der Gesetzesidee und ihre Bedeutung für die Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie.”
[The Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea and its significance for legal and social philosophy.]

The Dooyeweerd Archief has an offprint of both instalments.
Archiv für Rechts- und Socialphilosophie 53.3 (1967): 1–30; 53.4 (1967): 465–513.
NOTE: Verburg, biography, p. 375, records that Dooyeweerd himself calls this study “the most up-to-date version of my transcendental critique.”


"Il nuovo compito d’una filosofia cristiana."
[The New Task of Christian Philosophy.]

Translated by Renato Coletto.
Studi di teologia (nuova serie), 12(2): 121-198.
Translation (Italian) of 1959c.


[The Twilight of Western Thought: Fundamental Problems in Christian Philosophy.]

Translator: Sumito Haruna.
Kwansei Gakuin University Sociology Department Research Series, 1970.
Translation (Japanese) of: 1960a.
Mentioned in 1971a.


서양 문화의 뿌리.
[Roots of Western Culture.]

Translated by Rev. Suk-Ho Moon.
Seoul: Christian Digest, 1994.
Translation (Korean) of 1959a.

서양 사상의 황혼에서.
[In the Twilight of Western Thought.]

Translated by Em. Prof. Kuk-Won Shin & Ki-Chan Kim.
Seoul: Christian Digest, 1994.
Translation (Korean) of 1960a.


Raízes da cultura ocidental.
[Roots of Western Culture.]

Translated by Afonso Teixeira Filho. Edited by Cláudio Antōnio Batista Marra.
Editora Cultura Cristã, 2015, 420 pp.
Translation (Portuguese) of: 1959a.

A teoria do homem na filosofia cosmonômica: Trinta e duas proposições.
[Theory of Man in Cosmonomic Philosophy: Thirty-Two Propositions.]

Translated by Fabrício de Morae.
Kindle version.
Translation (Portuguese) of 1942g, 1954j.

No Crepúsculo Do Pensamento Ocidental.
[In the twilight of Western thought.]

Translated by Guilherme de Carvalho and Rodolfo Amorium de Souza. Edited by Felipe Sabino de Araújo Neto.
Editora Monergismo, 2019. Pp. 243.
Translation (Portuguese) of: 1960a.

Filosofia cristã e o sentido da história.
[Christian philosophy and the meaning of history.]

Translated by Fabrício Tavares de Moraes. Edited by Felipe Sabino de Araújo Neto.
Editora Monergismo, 2020. Pp. 183.
Translation (Portuguese) of 1996a.


La Secularizacion de la Ciencia.
[The Secularization of Science.]

Translated by Carlos Gutierrez Nunez y la Lic.
Philadelphia, PA: Seminario Teologico Juan Cavino, 1966.
Translation (Spanish) of 1954f.

Las Raices de la cultura occidental: Las opciones pagana, secular y cristiana.
[Roots of Western Culture: Pagan, Secular, and Christian Options.]

Translated by Adolfo García de la Sienra.
Editorial Clie, 1998.
Translation (Spanish) of: 1959a.
Reprint: 2024c.

Estado e soberania : ensaios sobre cristianismo e política.
[State and Sovereignty: Essays on Christianity and Politics.]

Translated by Leonardo Ramos.
São Paulo : Vida Nova, 2014.
Translation of 1936e.

Una Nueva Critica del Pensamiento Teorico. Vol. I: Las Preocupaciones Necesarias De La Filosofia.

Translated by Adolfo García de la Sienra.
Jordan Station, ON: Paideia Press, 2020. Pp. 830.
Translation (Spanish) of 1953e.

En el ocaso del pensamiento occidental.
[In the twilight of Western thought.]

Paideia Press, 2021. Pp. 286.
Translation (Spanish) of: 1960a.

Una Nueva Critica del Pensamiento Teorico. Vol. II: La Teoria General de las Esferas Modales.

Translated by Adolfo García de la Sienra.
Cantaro Institute, 2022. Pp. 946.
Translation (Spanish) of 1955a.

Las Raices de la cultura occidental: Las opciones pagana, secular y cristiana.
[Roots of Western Culture: Pagan, Secular, and Christian Options.]

Translated by Adolfo García de la Sienra.
Cántaro Publications, 2024. Pp. 254.
Translation (Spanish) of: 1959a.
Reprint of 1998a.

Una Nueva Crítica del Pensamiento Teórico. Vol. II: Las Estructuras de Individualidad de la Realidad Temporal.

Translated by Adolfo García de la Sienra.
Cantaro Institute, 2024. Pp. 1196.
Translation (Spanish) of 1957d.