A digital bibliography of Herman Dooyeweerd
Compiled using Dr. Harry Van Dyke's bibliography and digital resources curated by Dr. Steve Bishop
In the Twilight of Western Thought: Studies in the Pretended Autonomy of Philosophical Thought.
Philadelphia: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company. Pp. xviii, 195.
This book was prepared in English by Dooyeweerd himself based upon his lecture series given in North America during the late nineteen-fifties.
An errata sheet was distributed with this edition identifying a number of typographical mistakes.
Second edition: 1965b, 1968c, 1972b, 1975c, 1980a.
Third edition: 1999a and 2012d.
Translation (Japanese), see 1970b.
Translation (Korean), see 1994c.
Translation (French), see 2018b.
Translation (Portuguese), see 2019a.
Translation (Spanish), see 2021b.