A digital bibliography of Herman Dooyeweerd
Compiled using Dr. Harry Van Dyke's bibliography and digital resources prepared by Dr. Steve Bishop


Geloof en Historie
[Faith and History.]

Stencilled notes of four lectures delivered in The Hague and Rotterdam during the season 1936/37; in Amsterdam during 1937/38, in Utrecht during 1940/41. Pp. 29.
NOTE: Copies were offered for sale in an announcement in Mededeelingen van de Vereeniging voor Calvinistische Wijsbegeerte 3.1 (1938): 6; ibid., 6.1 (1941): 4.
Cf. also Correspondentie-bladen van de Vereeniging voor Calvinistische Wijsbegeerte 2.3 (1937): 89.
Copy in the Dooyeweerd Centre.