A digital bibliography of Herman Dooyeweerd
Compiled using Dr. Harry Van Dyke's bibliography and digital resources prepared by Dr. Steve Bishop


“Het wijsgeerig tweegesprek tusschen de Thomistische philosophie en de Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee.”
[The philosophical dialogue between Thomist philosophy and the Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea.]

Response to H. Robbers, “Het natuur-genade-schema als religieus grondmotief der scholastieke wijsbegeerte,” Studia Catholica 23 (1948): 69–86.
Philosophia Reformata 13 (1948): 26–31, 49–58.
NOTE: For Robbers’ reply, see his “De Calvinistische Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee in gesprek met het Thomisme,” Studia Catholica 24 (1949): 161–71.
See also 1966c for a continuation of the dialogue.