A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Theses litterariae, quas praeside viro clar. C.G. Cobet, litt. hum. prof. ord. die Saturni XIII m. Iunii, a. MDCCCLVII, hora XI, in auditorio publico, ad publicam commilitonum disputationem proponet A. Kuyper, Theol. Stud.
(Theses litterariae 1856/1857, no. XIV.)
[S.l., s.n. 1857.] 4 pp., 21cm.
Printed but not published.
ET: The literary theses which shall be submitted by A. Kuyper, student in theology, under the direction of the very illustrious gentleman C.G. Cobet, full professor in classical languages and literature, for a public debate with fellow students in the public auditorium at 11:00 am on Saturday, June 13, 1857.

A bifolium with drop title containing twenty-four theses of conjectures about the texts of Lysias. Many of the proposed emendations and conjectures may be found in the works of C.G. Cobet (1813–1889).

Abraham Kuyper studied at the University of Leiden from July 1855 to September 1862. As a second- and third-year student, Kuyper participated in five literary disputations as a defendens. In these public disputations, which took place under the leadership of Cobet, students from every department debated what were for the most part proposed emendations and conjectured improvements to the texts of classical authors. Virtually all the theses were put forward by Cobet himself (see 1980.05 and 1981.02).

The disputations were intended above all to allow students to practice speaking Latin. In the academic year 1856/1857, eight underclassmen took part in these debates as defendens (four students in classical languages, three in theology, and one in jurisprudence). The print run of the leaflets containing the theses, which were delivered several days in advance by the defendens to the other participants, must therefore have been very small.