A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Theses litterariae, quas praeside viro clar. C.G. Cobet, litt. hum. prof. ord. die Iovis XXVIII m. Ianuarii, a. MDCCCLVIII, hora XI, in auditorio publico, ad publicam commilitonum disputationem proponet A. Kuyper, Theol. Stud.
(Theses litterariae 1857/1858, no. VII.)
[S.l., s.n. 1858.] 4 pp., 21cm.
Printed but not published.
See also: 1857.01; 1857.02.
ET: The literary theses which shall be submitted by A. Kuyper, student in theology, under the direction of the very illustrious gentleman C.G. Cobet, full professor in classical languages and literature, for a public debate with fellow students in the public auditorium at 11:00 am on Thursday, January 28, 1858.

A bifolium with drop title containing twenty-seven theses, including conjectures about and interpretations of Tacitus (eight theses), conjectures about Plato (nine theses), and conjectures about Homer (ten theses). Concerning the disputations and the authorship of these theses, see 1857.01.