A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Disquisitio historico-theologica, exhibens Joannis Calvini et Joannis a Lasco de ecclesia sententiarum inter se compositionem.
Hagae Comitum, Martinus Nyhoff; Amstelodami, Fredericus Muller 1862 (Lugd. Bat., ex typographeo J.C. Drabbe). [10], VI, 190 pp., 23cm.—unbd. ƒ1.50.
Run: 400.
Published: September 1862.
Translation (English), see: 2016{.03}
Preface dated: Leidae d. XV m. Septembris MDCCCLXII.
Dedication: Parentibus Optimis Carissimis.
Binding: Complimentary copies: full cloth, blue; lettered in gold on the spine; blind tooling; the front cover features a representation of Minerva in gold tooling along with a vignette; gilt edges; coloured endpapers. Trade edition: I. cut in-boards; II. unbound.
RKB 2.
ET: A historical-theological investigation, comprised of a comparison of John Calvin’s and John a Lasco’s respective ideas of the church.

Kuyper’s doctoral thesis, which he defended at Leiden University on September 20, 1862. This thesis offers a comparative study of the concept of the church according to Calvin (1509–1564) and A. Lasco (1499–1560). The thesis represents a reworking of the first part of his submission to an essay contest organized by the theological faculty of the University of Groningen, which had received the gold medal in 1860 (Commentatio in questionem ab Ordine Theologorum positam in Certamen Litterarium [Treatise on the question of the theological faculty drawn up for a written contest]; see 2005.01). Twenty-six theses are appended (e.g., thesis 14: Iniuria Ecclesiae ministris aditum ad conventus politicos praeclusit lex [The ministers of the church are wrongly prevented from taking part in political assemblies]).

The dissertation, which shows an apparent preference for A. Lasco’s concept of the church, was praised widely for its scholarship. With its publication—and with the subsequent publication of Joannis a Lasco Opera (see 1866.01)—Kuyper breathed new life into the scholarly study of Johannes a Lasco as a theologian. Kuyper had initially intended to write a biography of A. Lasco as his thesis.

According to the contract for 1866.01, the publishers granted Kuyper 400 printed copies of his thesis.