A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Bijzonder reglement voor het bestuur der Nederlandsch-Herv. Gemeente te Beest.
Culemborg, A. Blom 1867. 31, [1] pp., 20cm.—ƒ0.25.
Published: September 1867.
Preface dated: Beest, September 1, 1867.
Drop title (p. [3]): Bijzonder reglement op het bestuur der Nederlandsch-Hervormde Gemeente te Beest.
Regulations dated: Beest, September 1, 1867.
ET: Special regulations for the administration of the Dutch Reformed Congregation at Beest.

These regulations arose from the synod’s decision to put Article 23 into effect (see 1867.01). The preface is signed by A. Kuyper (praes. et scriba [chairman and clerk]), who also drafted the regulations. The 187 articles that compose these regulations contain not only local regulations for the election of officers, the nomination of elders and deacons, and the calling of a minister or a candidate for the ministry, but also supplementary managerial rules for the consistory and a set of partially rewritten guidelines for the administration of diaconal funds.

After some amendments were made at the request of the church authorities, the regulations were approved by the provincial church administration of Gelderland on August 31, 1867 and went into effect on September 1, 1867. These regulations were the first of a remarkably long series of regulations and instructions that Kuyper designed for church, school, and political party over the course of many years.

The edition was published at the publisher’s expense.