A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Circular letter.]
[S.l., s.n. 1868 (Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon).] 7 pp., 21cm.
Published: November 1868.
Dated: Utrecht, November 9, 1868.
Next printing, see: 1868.10.
See also: 1915.15.

A circular letter addressed to the consistories of the Dutch Reformed Churches and written in response to the synodical decision of July 17, 1868 about the formula for baptism. The synod had decided that baptism in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit was desirable—and in the given circumstances necessary—but it did not make the practice mandatory (cf. 1870.28). Moreover, the synod had decided against taking measures to prevent irregularities in baptismal practice.

Although the circular letter was signed by D. Gildemeester and H.C. Bervoets, as praeses and scriba of the General Consistory of Utrecht, it was conceived and edited by Kuyper. Kuyper was the chair of a commission set up to advise the consistory about the writing of a letter to the Reformed consistories about the baptism question. After having indicated how the General Consistory of Utrecht would guard against irregularities in its services of baptism, it solicited consistories across the Netherlands to work together to maintain and protect the interests of the church by asking them to respond to three questions.

The replies and reactions that came in response to this circular letter led to the establishment of the Federation of Consistories at a meeting held on April 28, 1869 (see 1869.10).