A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De staat en de openbare zedelijkheid.
In: De Heraut 20 (1869), no. 53, December 31, 1869.
Dated: Utrecht, December 27, 1869.
De Heraut, see: 1869.16.
(RKB 20.)
ET: The state and public morality.

Kuyper writes about the calling of the state in this article. He disagrees both with the way the state has dealt with the thorny problems of public morality in previous centuries and with the way the modern state addresses such problems. In his view, the state should not function as any kind of moralist, but should rather foster institutions whose officials, proceedings, and measures are tempered by moral character.