A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De Heraut voor vrije kerk en vrije school in het vrije Nederland 22 (1871)–23 (1872).
Amsterdam, H. de Hoogh & Co. 1871–1872. 55cm.—Quarterly subscription ƒ1.50, quarterly subscription, postage paid ƒ1.65.
Subscribers in January 1871: 1,250.
Published: January 6, 1871–March 22, 1872.
RKB 32.
ET: The herald for a free church and a free school in the free Netherlands.

In December 1870 De Heraut was purchased from the Nederlandsche Stoomdrukkerij [Dutch Steam Press] at Amsterdam by the Heraut Association, which Kuyper and several of his supporters had established expressly for that purpose. The association named Kuyper editor in chief. The first number of 1871 appeared with a new nameplate. The previous subtitle “A Dutch Voice for Israel’s King, the Head of the Congregation” (see 1869.16) was altered and brought into greater conformity with the new objectives of the weekly: “For a Free Church and a Free School in the Free Netherlands.” To the left and right of the title a twofold motto appeared: Israëls Koning, het Hoofd der Gemeente [Israel’s King, the head of the congregation] and Oranje, kerk en vaderland [The House of Orange, church, and fatherland].

The weekly became a daily June 6–12, 1871 in connection with the June 13 elections for the Second Chamber. De Heraut 23 (1872), no. 12, March 22, 1872 was provisionally the final issue. In October 1871 De Heraut had 768 subscribers (KA 185.18).

Cf. 1869.16, 1872.02, 1874.02, and 1877.05.