A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Kerkeraads-protocollen der Hollandsche gemeente te Londen, 1569–1571.
(Werken der Marnix-Vereeniging. Serie 1: deel 1.)
Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon 1870 [= 1871]. VIII, 327, 9 pp., 24cm. [– ƒ2.50].
Run: 350.
Published: January 1871.
Preface dated: Utrecht, December 1, 1870.
Not for sale, for members only (membership ƒ10.—annually).
In 1889 the remaining copies were sold to Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague.
RKB 33.
ET: The protocols of the consistory of the Dutch congregation in London, 1569–1571.

First volume of the works of the Marnix Society (see 1868.11), containing part 3 of the Registeren ofte Consistoriebouck der Nederduytsche Ghemeynte te Londen [Acts or the consistory book of the Dutch congregation in London]. The Dutch refugee church in London was of great importance in the sixteenth century for the development of Reformed Protestantism in the Netherlands (see 1871.05). It is noteworthy that while part 3 of the protocols runs from November 10, 1569 to September 2, 1571, this edition ends on May 17, 1571. Part 3 was not published in its entirety for budgetary reasons. The financial position of the society was weak due to its low membership. An abbreviated volume was less expensive to publish and could be sent before the end of the year to subscribers who had made their annual contribution. The publication was delayed, however, because four pages (pp. 49–50, 77–78) had to be replaced, reset, reprinted, and glued back in at the last moment. The volume was finally ready on January 10, 1871 and afterwards also separately available at ƒ2.50.

This first volume of the first series of the Werken der Marnix-Vereeniging is the only volume that Kuyper edited. It was transcribed by a copyist in Utrecht and includes an index of personal names. A new and more complete edition of the Kerkeraads-protocollen was edited by A.J. Jelsma and O. Boersma and published under the title Acta van het Consistorie van de Nederlandse gemeente te Londen. 1569–1585 in Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën. Kleine serie 76 (’s-Gravenhage, 1993).

After having spent a month consulting archives and libraries in England (cf. 1922. 03), Kuyper returned at the beginning of August 1867 with a portfolio of original documents for publication by the Marnix Society.

For a history of the Marnix Society see J. Vree’s detailed account entitled “The Marnix-Vereeniging: Abraham Kuyper’s First National Organisation (1868–1889),” which was published in the Dutch Review of Church History, volume 84 (Leiden: 2004, pp. 388–475). J.C. Rullmann has also written about the society (see 1932.02).

The works of the Marnix Society appeared in three series containing sixteen volumes. The print run was 350 for each volume. The copies are bound in a plain grey natural paper cover.

I. Kerkeraadsprotocollen [Protocols of the consistory]:
  • 1. Kerkeraadsprotocollen der Hollandsche gemeente te Londen, 1569–1571 [The protocols of the consistory of the Dutch congregation in London, 1569–1571]. Published by A. Kuyper, Utrecht: 1870.
  • 2. Stukken betreffende de diaconie der vreemdelingen te Emden, 1560–1576 [Items relating to the deaconate for foreigners at Emden, 1560–1576]. Published by J.J. van Toorenenbergen, Utrecht: 1876.
  • 3. Handelingen van den kerkeraad der Nederlandsche gemeente te Keulen, 1571–1591 [Acts of the consistory of the Dutch congregation at Cologne, 1571–1591]. Published by H.Q. Janssen and J.J. van Toorenenbergen, Utrecht: 1881.
II. Synodale acten [Acts of the synod]:
  • 1–2. Acten van de colloquia der Nederlandsche gemeenten in Engeland, 1575–1624. Followed by: Aanhangsel. Uittreksels uit de acten der volgende colloquia. 1627–1706 [Acts of the colloquia of the Dutch congregations in England, 1575–1624. Appendix. Extracts from the acts of the following colloquia: 1627–1706]. Published by J.J. van Toorenenbergen, Utrecht: 1872–1875 (2 parts).
  • 3. Acten van classicale en synodale vergaderingen der verstrooide gemeenten in het land van Cleef, Sticht van Keulen en Aken, 1571–1589 [Acts of the classical and the synodical meetings of the dispersed congregations in the land of Cleves, Episcopacy of Cologne, and Aachen, 1571–1589]. Published by H.Q. Janssen and J.J. van Toorenenbergen, Utrecht: 1882.
  • 4. Acta van de Nederlandsche synoden der zestiende eeuw [Acts of the Dutch synods of the sixteenth century]. Collected and published by F.L. Rutgers, Utrecht: 1889. Another 200 copies were published in 1889 by Martinus Nijhoff, ’s Gravenhage (reprinted, Dordrecht: 1980).
III. Memoriën en brieven [Memoirs and letters]:
  • 1. Gheschiedenissen ende handelingen die voornemelick aengaen de Nederduytsche natie ende gemeynten, wonende in Engelant ende int bysonder tot Londen, vergadert door Symeon Ruytinck, Caesar Calandrinus ende Aemilius van Culenborgh, Dienaren des Godlicken Woords [Histories and acts that relate principally to the Dutch nation and the congregation living in England and in particular at London, collected by Symeon Ruytinck, Caesar Calandrinus, and Aemilius van Culenborgh, pastors]. Published by J.J. van Toorenenbergen, Utrecht: 1873 (2 parts).
  • 2. Brieven uit onderscheidene kerkelijke archieven [Letters from various church archives]. Collected and published by H.Q. Janssen and J.J. van Toorenenbergen, Utrecht: 1877–1878 (2 parts).
  • 3. Bescheiden aangaande de Kerkhervorming in Vlaanderen [Documents concerning the reformation of the church in Flanders]. Published by H.Q. Janssen, Utrecht: 1877.
  • 4. Brieven uit onderscheidene kerkelijke archieven [Letters from various church archives]. Collected and published by H.Q. Janssen and J.J. van Toorenenbergen, Utrecht: 1880.
  • 5. Brieven uit onderscheidene kerkelijke archieven [Letters from various church archives]. Collected and published by J.J. van Toorenenbergen, Utrecht: 1882–1885. (3 parts: [.1] 1882, [.2] 1884, and [.3] 1885).

The stock of the Marnix Society was sold in 1889 to Martinus Nijhoff (see 1868.11).