A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Anti-moderne blaadjes. No. 2.
Arnhem, J.W. en C.F. Swaan [1871].
Published: first quarter 1871.
(RKB III, p. [469].)
ET: Anti-modernist tracts.

According to note 25 on page 66 of 1871.10, Kuyper argued in this pamphlet that the modernists were fostering popular misunderstanding by asserting that they were the true sons of the Reformation—i.e., the true Protestants. In particular, Kuyper directed his argument against Een Protestant, no. 9, in the series Stichtelijke blaadjes [Devotional tracts] (Amsterdam: T. Kouwenaar, [1870], 4 pp., 22cm.—price ƒ0.01). These tracts were published by the Association for the Distribution of Devotional Tracts, founded on April 9, 1869, and were intended to propagate the modernist perspective in theology.

In De Heraut 21, no. 50, December 16, 1870, the publisher reports that a subscription form to Anti-moderne Blaadjes has been distributed and that twenty-four issues, each with four to eight pages, will appear yearly. For ƒ1.50 per year, subscribers would receive three copies of pamphlets with four pages and two copies of pamphlets with eight pages. A reduction in price would be extended to those who purchased greater quantities. In De Heraut, no. 20, May 17, 1871, Kuyper reports the receipt of “a half-dozen pamphlets from the series that has been appearing for some time in opposition to the pamphlets of the moderns.”