A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Het modernisme een fata morgana op christelijk gebied. Lezing.
Amsterdam, H. de Hoogh & Co. 1871. 76 pp., 26cm.—ƒ0.65.
Published: August 1871.
Translation, see: 1872.16 (German); 1906.04 (English); 1924.10 (abridged; English); 1998.03 (partial; English).
The title (number of copies unknown) was acquired by J.J. Wiarda, Sneek. Then the remaining copies were put up for auction again and acquired by J.A. Wormser, Amsterdam, on June 5, 1890.
RKB 37.
ET: Modernism: A fata morgana in the Christian domain.

A lecture on modernism in the church, held in several Dutch cities (Zwolle, Kampen, Amsterdam, The Hague, and Dordrecht) during the months of March and April 1871. The lecture severely criticizes theological liberalism and states that while the phenomenon of modernism is both fascinating and ineluctable, it is nevertheless unreal. It is a fata morgana that does not reflect the reality of religion, morality, theology, or the church. While modernists permit the Word of God only to shimmer in ethereal visions, Christians hold that the Word of God became flesh and lived among us. Sixty explanatory notes in small type (pp. [57]–76) were added to the lecture.

Kuyper later reflected on this lecture in De Heraut, no. 906, May 5, 1895.