A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Die moderne Theologie (der Modernismus), eine Fata Morgana auf christlichem Gebiet.
Zürich, S. Höhr 1872 (Druck von Zürcher und Furrer). VI, 73 pp., 19cm.
Translation (German) of: 1871.10.
Addition on the title page: Aus dem Holländischen des Dr. Kuyper übersetzt als Gegenstück zu unsern Schweitzerischen Zuständen. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. C. Joh. Riggenbach (RKB 37).
ET: The modern theology (modernism), a fata morgana in the Christian domain.

German translation of 1871.10, but shorn of its explanatory notes. In the introduction C.J. Riggenbach (1818–1890), professor of New Testament in Basel, first presents Kuyper to his Swiss readers and then clarifies several passages that pertain to internal Dutch affairs. Riggenbach was also the author of Der heutige Rationalismus, besonders in der deutschen Schweiz (Basel, 1862), of which a Dutch translation appeared in the same year.

According to the title page, the translator regarded this lecture as a counterbalance to the contemporary mood in Switzerland. The unknown translator may perhaps have been the Rev. Th.J. Locher. The translation was published in Zürich. Locher was born in Canton Zürich and was pastor in Uitikon on the Albis—three miles from Zürich—before he was installed by Kuyper as pastor in Zevenhoven, the Netherlands (see 1869.35). Locher might also have belonged to a small circle of Kohlbruggian pastors in the Zürich area whom Kuyper visited toward the end of April 1871. In any case, the correspondence (KA 206) definitely makes clear that Kuyper was in the midst of preparing 1871.10 for press (most likely in the German version) during this visit to Switzerland.