A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Of de “vrijmaking der kerk” ook noodig is?
In: De Heraut 20 (1869), no. 49, December 3, 1869.
De Heraut, see: 1869.16.
ET: Is the “liberation of the church” still necessary?

As an example of how necessary the liberation of the church remained, Kuyper wrote this article about what happened at Zevenhoven in the process of calling a minister. The commentary remarks on the capriciousness of the administrators of the Dutch Reformed Church, who had blocked the pastorless congregation of Zevenhoven from calling an orthodox preacher to its pulpit four times by refusing to authorize any of its calls.

On July 9, 1871, Kuyper confirmed the Rev. Th.J. Locher (1831–1882), who had been assistant pastor with H.F. Kohlbrugge (1803–1875) in Elberfeld and later also pastor in Switzerland, as pastor of the Dutch Reformed Congregation at Zevenhoven (cf. 1872.16).