A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader. Edited by James D. Bratt.
Grand Rapids, MI, William B. Eerdmans/Carlisle, UK, Paternoster Press 1998.
(ISBN: 0-8028-4321-2 [Eerdmans].)
(ISBN: 0-85364-922-7 [Paternoster Press].)

An anthology divided into four sections: (I) “Beginnings,” (II) “Church and Theology,” (III) “Politics and Society,” and (IV) “Culture and Education.” The anthology contains sixteen generally ample selections from Kuyper’s writings, which apart from a few exceptions were not previously available in English.

The translations are by the following individuals: John Vriend (1869.14, 1870.24, 1871.10, 1886.14, 1879.01, 1902.13, 1903.13, 1891.05, 1908.14, and 1892.21); Reinder Bruinsma (1873.05, 1889.06, and 1874.04); A.E. Fletcher (1900.12); Clarence Menninga (1899.29); Hans van de Hel in cooperation with Wayne Bornholdt (1905.21); George Kamp (1880.09 [Kenneth Bratt translated the Greek terms]); and James Bratt (all the remaining items). Bratt also edited several of the translations and provided the introduction to the volume as well as all the explanatory notes.

A translation of eleven short editorials from 1932.08 serve to illustrate points made in relevant sections. A recollection of the death of Pietje Baltus (†1914) on pages 58–59 is translated from De Standaard 42 (1914), no. 12874, March 30, 1914. The lead article from the inaugural issue of De Standaard (no. 1, April 1, 1872) is translated on pages 317–322; this is the same article with which the Dutch collection 1932.08 opens.

Two sample devotions from De Heraut are reprinted in a new translation by James Bratt. The meditation on Psalm 42:7 (cf. 1928.02) that appears on pages 148–153 is translated from De Heraut, no. 606, August 4, 1889. The meditation on 2Corinthians 5:4 (cf. 1902.17) that appears on pages 408–415 was originally published in De Heraut, no. 1132, September 3, 1899, shortly after the death of Kuyper’s wife.