A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Evolutie. Rede bij de overdracht van het rectoraat aan de Vrije Universiteit op 20 October 1899 gehouden.
Amsterdam/Pretoria, Boekhandel voorheen Höveker & Wormser 1899. 56 pp., 28cm.—ƒ0.60.
Introductory note dated: Interlaken, October 4, 1899.
Translations, see: 1900.24 (German); 1950.04 (English; two summaries); 1996.05 (English); 1998.03 (partial; English).
RKB 152.
ET: Evolution. Address delivered on the occasion of the transferal of the rectorship of the Vrije Universiteit on October 20, 1899.

“Our nineteenth century is dying away under the hypnotic effect of the dogma of evolution.” This sentence opens an extensive and critical sketch of the theory of evolution. In the course of the sketch, Kuyper notes weak points in the theory and identifies the effects that belief in evolution can have on human beings. Finally, he judges the spiritual content of the theory by way of three criteria—aesthetic, ethical, and religious (cf. 1899.17). This was the fourth and final address (after 1881.05, 1888.11, and 1892.21) that Kuyper delivered at the transferal of the rectorship. It too was followed by the Annales Academicae.

In a brief prefatory note Kuyper states that the usual scholarly notes are absent from this address. The death of his spouse (see 1899.10) had held him longer abroad than he anticipated and had forced him to compose the address away from his reference books. J.C. Rullmann (1876–1936) regarded 1900.32 as good compensation for the lacking notes (see 1928.02, p. 174). Rullmann, who registered as a student at the Vrije Universiteit in 1896, pointed in his bibliography to the fact that “L.L.D., doctor of laws” was added to Kuyper’s name on the title page and cover. He also recalled that Kuyper was adorned with his Princeton doctoral cap and gown when he delivered the address.