A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De hedendaagsche schriftcritiek in hare bedenkelijke strekking voor de gemeente des levenden Gods.
Amsterdam, J.H. Kruyt 1881 (Amsterdam, Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomdrukkerij). 64 pp., 28cm.—ƒ0.90.
Run: 800.
Published: October 1881.
Translation (English), see: 1904.25.
RKB 71.
ET: Contemporary biblical criticism with respect to its troubling implication for the community of the living God.

A lecture delivered on October 20, 1881 on the occasion of the transferal of the rectorship of the Vrije Universiteit to F.L. Rutgers. In the lecture Kuyper elaborates programmatically on the thesis that “the biblical criticism of the present day is destructive of the best interests of the community of the living God, for the reason that it revokes her theology, robs her of the Bible, and destroys her liberty in Christ” (English translation by Rev. J.H. De Vries—see 1904.25). Addressed above all to the so-called “ethical theologians,” this lecture gave rise to polemical responses by F.E. Daubanton (1853–1920), J.J. van Oosterzee (1817–1882), and J.J. Prins (see 1882.11), among others.

The Annales Academici (pp. [45]–50) are also attached. In the first of the seventy-four notes included with this edition (pp. 53–64), Kuyper remarks that he can only give a sketch of his standpoint in this lecture. Kuyper would subsequently develop his position on the doctrine of Scripture more comprehensively in his Encyclopedia (see 1894.12) and in the Locus de Sacra Scriptura from the lectures on dogmatics that he gave from 1881 to 1888 (see 1891.22 and 1891.25).