A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Confidentie. Schrijven aan den Weled. Heer J.H. van der Linden.
Amsterdam, Höveker & Zoon 1873 ([Amsterdam], Amsterdamsche Stoomdrukkerij van Roeloffzen & Hübner). 114 pp., 24cm.—ƒ0.90.
Published: May 1873.
Dated: Amsterdam, March 29, 1873 (part I); Amsterdam, April 25, 1873 (part II).
Part 1, see also: 1873.04.
Translation (partial; English), see: 1998.03.
RKB 48.

The first part is an offprint of 1873.04. In the second part, Kuyper claims that the future of the church in the Netherlands is his dearest concern. He elucidates this concern, first, by describing where his love for the church came from, second, by explaining what justifies that love, and finally, by indicating where that love is leading him. The epistolary essay testifies to the author’s personal ideals and aspirations for the reformation of the Dutch Reformed Church. The letter also resembles a conversion narrative insofar as the author recounts God’s miraculous providential guidance of his life.

The cover and the title page carry the author’s name and both parts of the essay are signed “Q.N.” [Quem Novisti]. Kuyper had signed 1873.04 with his own name.