A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Confidentie. Aan de Weled. Heer J.H. van der Linden.
In: De Vereeniging: Christelijke Stemmen 27 (1872/1873), no. 10, April 1873, pp. [693]–723.
Published: April 1873.
Dated: Amsterdam, March 29, 1873.
Offprint, see: part 1 of 1873.05.
Part 1–2, see: 1873.05.
(RKB 48.)
ET: Confidentially. To Mr. J.H. van der Linden.

An open letter to J.H. van der Linden, member of the General Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Congregation at Amsterdam and former leader of Eensgezindheid, concerning his disapproving remarks in the March issue of the same journal about the way in which the association Beraad was founded (see 1872.12). The epistolary form enabled Kuyper to write in a more personal and openhearted way both about the matter in question and about related matters such as his efforts toward a solution of the “church question,” his attitude toward attacks on his character in the press, and his polemical exchange with J.H. Gunning jr. over the interpretation of Scripture. Gunning reacted to the polemic in this open letter with the brochure De Heilige Schrift, Gods Woord. Antwoord aan Dr. A. Kuyper op zijn “Confidentie” [The Holy Scripture, God’s Word. Answer to Dr. A. Kuyper’s “Confidentially”] (Amsterdam: Höveker & Zoon, 1873).

The publication deadline prevented Kuyper from getting everything off his chest, so he left the letter unfinished. The second half of the letter appeared in May 1873 (see 1873.05).